Leadership and Team Management- Learn


Establishing an Acceptable Organizational Structure entails examining the organization's strategic direction and objectives, as well as the desired organizational culture, defining the organization's essential activity areas, and deciding on an appropriate organizational structure. This is the first and most important step. Before making any changes or taking new routes, executives must decide on an organizational structure that will support the strategic direction and an organizational culture that they want to build. The management team network that is then established will be compatible with the structure and contribute to the desired culture's development.

Implementing a Management Team Performance System, which includes developing a thorough team performance appraisal system, monitoring individual team performance, and taking appropriate remedial action as needed. Many companies have a good employee evaluation system in place, but it usually primarily applies to operational personnel and junior managers. Middle and senior managers must also be evaluated on a regular basis, ideally more frequently than operational staff, because their actions have a greater negative or good impact on the organization. Because of the degree of power and significance of the team's collective decisions and activities, this line of thinking must also be applied to management teams. The organization's leaders must be constantly aware of their management teams' performance levels and take action to maintain or improve those levels as needed. It is critical to implement a performance appraisal and continuous improvement strategy across the network of management teams. The focus in the early phases of the teams' lives will be on raising awareness and knowledge of the team's goals, as well as identifying training and development needs to support new or modified roles. As the team matures, monitoring will shift to a focus on consistency of performance, followed by support for ongoing improvement in that performance. Performance appraisal must be a frequent and transparent procedure at all stages of a team's life cycle.

Regularly review and refresh the management team's network by: arranging regular reviews of the network's appropriateness; assessing the suitability of each part of the network against newer versions of the strategic objectives; assessing the network's structure against the current organizational structure and culture; making appropriate changes to individual components and/or the overall structure Every year, as part of the assessment and adjustment of plans and objectives in the yearly strategic planning process, a comprehensive review should be conducted. Minor or large changes should be agreed upon at this time to alter the network so that it continues to meet the requirements mandated by the updated strategic and operational objectives. Furthermore, the state of the management teams' network should be discussed at least quarterly executive level meetings, with remedial action taken if necessary.

Plan a network of management teams to match the requirements identified in the previous activity; agree on individual team structure; agree on individual team objectives, roles, responsibilities, size, location, and resource needs; and identify team member and team leader profiles for each management team. When the new organization is put in place, the planning done here will serve as a blueprint. This planning should be done in a factual, needs-based manner. The size, location, team leader, and team member profiles should all be determined by the team's job and objectives. After the structure has been agreed upon, the resource implications should be addressed. Only after the teams have been populated should existing and potential personnel be evaluated against these criteria. Option 1: Assessing Existing Teams, which includes identifying existing management teams, analyzing existing teams' objectives, evaluating existing teams' performance, evaluating individual team leaders' performance, and comparing each management team profile to the newly set standards. Due to statutory limits and/or ethical reasons, this will be required in many, if not all, organizations. However, existing teams are unlikely to be adequate, save in part, and the results of this action will simply reveal substantial gaps and adjustments that will need to be addressed in order to meet the new standards. Option 2: Removing Existing Teams, which entails fully removing the old organization. This is the most successful approach, a complete reengineering, but it is also the most extreme. If at all possible, this is the superior alternative, as the organization can make the necessary changes to align with the new strategic direction and go forward without being hampered by partially or entirely ineffective management teams.

establishing the teams at their locations; training each team in its new role, responsibilities, objectives, and operational activities; providing appropriate reso This is a vital stage that must be managed as a big change activity and project. The adjustments should be overseen by an executive-level manager. Communication with all stakeholders, which will be numerous, at all levels, and both inside and outside the organization, will need to be carefully managed.

In conclusion, building a structure for suitable management teams is a critical first step in ensuring that the organization's strategies are successfully implemented. The strategic and operational objectives will not be met without a strong network of management teams that is appropriate for the size and complexity of the organization and its strategic objectives. Management teams that are effective are the driving force behind achieving goals. If this network is weak or defective, it will not be successful. The responsibility of the organization's leaders is to guarantee that the management teams' network is strong, active, and focused on achieving its goals, both individually and collectively.

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